Employee Documentation: What You Should Remember

While documenting your employees track record may seem a little mundane, it is an important step if you would like to ensure that your document management system works for you. Not only will it ensure that you are able to pull any information at any given time but it will also keep you protected in the event that an unhappy employee lays a complaint or takes you to court. When it comes to your employee documentation, it is important to remember that it is confidential and is required to remain on record for an indefinite period of time. Although this may seem like you are likely to have storage cupboards filled to the brim with employee documentation, a reliable document storage system is a solution that will not only make it easier to archive the documentation but will also ensure simplified access to authorised personnel. While document solutions may be the solution to heaps of unsorted and uncategorised records, there are few solutions for employers who have fallen behind on the organised collection and filing of their employee’s confidential information. If you feel that you may be guilty of this or simply want to ensure that your system meets the requirements, take a look at what you should remember when it comes to your employee documentation: Confidentiality When it comes to your employee’s information, it is important to remember that it is confidential and it is only appropriate for the HR manager or employer to view the records. It is also important to remember that if an HR representative is to view or manage the records, a confidentiality agreement must be signed between him/her and the employee.  Often, employers will ask their secretaries or personal assistants to assist in sifting through records – if he or she does this on a regular basis and has not signed a confidentiality agreement with the employee in question, you are at risk of privacy contraventions that can result in court proceedings. Employee Performance and Track Record It is important to remember that your employee track record is of great importance. While you are expected to archive the documentation indefinably, your archive may not just consist of a signed contract to prove employment but rather a long list of documentation that is proof of efficient HR processes and management. Some of the below documents may be required:
  • Signed contract of employment, detailing the job description and responsibilities
  • The CV or résumé of the employee,
  • The offer of employment letter,
  • A signed document stating that the employee was briefed, had read and received a document pertaining to all policies and procedures,
  • Regular performance evaluations,
  • All records of benefits and deductions,
  • Records of all sick leave with accompanying doctor’s notes,
  • All annual leave,
  • Records of increases or financial adjustments,
  • All written complaints by colleagues and customers,
  • The emergency contact details of the next of kin,
  • Any awards or certifications attained during time of employment,
  • Clear and detailed records of disciplinary action,
  • Any confidentiality clauses or NDAs,
  • Record of the number of hours worked per week,
  • Detailed records of an exit interview, resignation or termination of contract.
Archive and Seal Documentation During active duty, your employee’s documentation is to be stored in an accessible filing system that can easily be retrieved and updated. However, once the employee leaves your company – through resignation, termination or death – you are required to seal and archive the documentation. Not only will this ensure that the records are preserved but that they are protected from theft, damage or loss. If you’re wondering about how to organise your increasing amount of employee-related paperwork, be sure to contact the Document Warehouse for more information regarding a document storage system.   Employee doc