In the fast paced era of technological advancements, do your document retrieval solutions serve your business in the best – and fastest – possible manner?
Here are a three factors that warrant consideration
#1 Does your organisation have a formalised document storage protocol?
A good question to ask is whether everyone in your office, or indeed your offices, understands and follows the correct process for data storage – in a way that other authorised personnel can easily accesss and retrieve it. The lack of an efficient document management solution can cause unacceptable in efficiencies, not only at top management level, but at every level in the organisation. After all, all contractual agreements may prove to be vital points of reference for your business into the future. (Now is the time to ask yourself whether you have ever wondered whether Florence in accounts had filed the client agreement in a place where you may be able to access it immediately,even while she is on holiday, with no internet access?)
#2 Who is responsible for the maintenance and mangement of the system?
Have you formally appointed persons who are authorised to make decisions about information flow and the protection of your company documents and about exactly who has access at certain confidentiality levels? And is there clarity on how to avoid security breaches?
If you are unsure, now is the time to get a professional company with decades of experience on board. The Document Warehouse will advise you on the best and most cost effective document warehousing solution for your business.
#3 What would happen in the event of a natural disaster, if all the electronic and hard copy records your business are lost?
A secure off-site storage solution will prevent the loss of records which may be critical to the success of your business. This facility could provide all the protection you need in the unfortunate event that you may have to make a fresh start.
So, call the professionals today, to ensure that you have a highly sophisticated hard copy and electronic document storage and retrieval solution in place. Starting right now.