On a scale of 1-10, how efficient is your document storage system? Worth thinking about, right?
If you deem it a solid six or above, then you’ve probably got an electronic document management system in place that seems to be working for you.
If you rate it a five and below, there’s much work to be done. You may have a document management system in place, but is it really working out for your business? It could mean that you are missing a few key steps which can easily be fixed.
Why is document management important?
Every business that works with clients– big or small – has several documents they work with regularly. The more documents you have, the more filing solutions your company will need. If all these documents are kept at your business premises, you risk this confidential information being damaged or getting lost. This can cost you losing not only money but reputation damage as well. Working with a document storage company will give you the security you need to protect your business’ sensitive documentation against these factors.
Despite the pros of having an EDMS in your company, several businesses continue to get this wrong. Here are a few dos and don’ts to consider:
Have a secure system in place
Document security is essential to assure you peace of mind that should anything go wrong with confidential documents, you and your clients are protected against identity theft and any environmental damage. This can look like anything from storing files in a vault with restricted access and video surveillance or sending all files to a company that offers offsite data storage facilities. These companies already have effective security measures in place and are often the best at keeping your documents safe. This saves you money and time, too, as these companies handle all the admin on your behalf, giving you more time to pay attention to other areas in the business. Get in touch with The Document Warehouse today and see how we can support you.
Make sure you regularly backup files
Whatever copy you have of a document, whether hard copy or electronically, should always be backed up. Whatever online storage facility you have should back your files up automatically, but always make sure this is the case first as you may have to do this manually occasionally.
Sign up for the right capacity
Deciding on cloud storage can be tricky as there are several plans available tailored to how much storage you need. Chat to your employees and find out how much large files they work with every day. This should give you an estimate of how much storage you need to purchase for your business. Avoid buying too much storage, which will cost you more money – purchase only what you need. Be sure to take advantage of the free storage space offered by companies, which is usually provided for a specific limit before you start paying.
Keep digital records for longer than you need
Just like paper documents, digital records also have their expiry date. Ensure all employees follow a document archiving system that not only includes documents but emails too. This protects you from falling victim to any threat to your cyber security. Get in touch with The Document Warehouse to discuss your best available options to streamline your internal process even better.
Give everyone access
The more restricted the access is, the easier it is to establish accountability, should anything go wrong. Give only specific staff access to certain files, and be sure to change passwords often.
Leave confidential files unattended
Encourage all staff who work with private documents to permanently close them before they leave their desk and lock their computers. This is especially vital if they are working on an online facility such as a Cloud.
A proper document storage system can simplify work life for you and your employees. As long as you avoid the risks, you can rest assured that you’re running a well-oiled machine.