The body is a metaphor for your business. The heart could be operations, finances the lungs, marketing the mouth and management the brains. But, all of these body parts require one thing to keep them working – and that is blood.
Well, we feel that efficient record keeping is the lifeblood of the business, because it keeps the entire system running smoothly – and without it, nothing would work.
Here are a few reasons from the experts at The Document Warehouse on why efficient and accurate data management could be considered THE most important part of your business-body.
- It’s a Legal Requirement
Institutions like SARS make it a legal requirement for businesses to keep accurate and up-to-date financial records. You can get into a real mess if you fail to comply with the record-keeping criteria set out by these kinds of regulatory bodies. It’s a hugely important part of business compliance and can spell the difference between the failure and success of your company.
- Optimise Your Time And Expenses
It’s time to submit your tender application, but your assistant is scrambling around like mad for the results of your last audit. Sound familiar? Efficient record keeping saves time and therefore money. When you invest in an electronic document filing management system (EDMS) you enjoy several benefits, such as automated data capture, instant document retrieval and top-notch security and privacy.
- Get An Instant Snapshot Of Your Performance
If filing is a grudge, the chances are good that your records are in a mess and won’t give you an up-to-datereflection of the status of your business. How can you know whether you’remaking your business targets if your files are in disarray? It’s super important to place emphasis on the lifeblood of your business – the effective management of your paperwork -when you want to know whether you’re winning or losing.
- Security And IP Protection
How often have staff members left your business with important IP like sales decks and pricing guidelines, only for these exact documents to make an appearance in your competitor’s sales kit?An online filing system will protect you from security breaches and allows you to monitor any activity on your dedicated servers while protecting your company data from disgruntled employees or hackers.
Whether filing is stored safely in the cloud or secured offsite in a proper document warehouse, you can raise the pulse of your company by investing in future-fit document or data management technologies and services with the specialists from The Document Warehouse.It is, after all, the lifeblood that keeps your business pumping.