Category Archives: News

Better Your Business Operations with Data Capturing

When it comes to implementing document management to improve on your services, data capturing is one of the many ways in which you can better your business operations. If you’re looking to improve your turnaround time, as well as the service and production levels of your team, outsourcing a service provider that offers a reliable […]

The Long Term Benefits of Document Management

When it comes to document management, organisations are encouraged to consider the long-term benefits as well as the short-term benefits that assist in changing the ways in which organisations go about their record management. Not only do document management solutions offer organisations the opportunity to boost productivity within their offices, but it also ensures that […]

Outsourced Live File Solutions: How it works

If you own a company, the chances are quite high that you have heard the hype surrounding outsourced live file solutions and how these solutions can benefit your business going forward. The question is, what exactly are outsourced live file solutions and how do they work? We investigate below. Ultimately, one of the requirements of […]

Three Reasons Why You Should Consider Offsite Document Storage

Your files and documents are, in many ways, the lifeblood of your business which is why their safe storage should always remain a top priority. Backing them up and keeping them on a separate hard drive in your desk draw is enough though, right? Wrong. Storing backup documents onsite is one of the biggest mistakes […]